Generating QR Code in Salesforce

  In this post I am going to show you a simple way to generate the QR Coder in  Salesforce. To generate the QR I going to use the QuickChart open source chart image API.

 Let's go through the attribute with respect to the quickchart. Please look at the below URL.'&Id 

cht  - Type of the chart

chs - Image dimension

chl - Value. Here I have passed the Id. 

To generate the QR code I used this in a formula field as like below.


'Scan QR code to open record in mobile.')

In this formula I have passed the record id as a value for QR Code. Please look at the below record to with the QR Code.

Please let me know your thoughts in comments. 

Einstein Activity Capture Implementation Tips

 Most of them aware that what is Einstein Activity Capture most the client when they implement this they will implement along with 'Lightning for Outlook' or 'Lightning for Gmail'. In this blog I will go through the this that you need for implementing Einstein Activity Capture for outlook.

1. Version: 
    Make sure that you have the right version of Google, Microsoft. Below link will give more details about the version.

2. Shared Email Account:
    If you what to connect shared email account then for each shared account you should have a Salesforce user. Below be aware of the below notes as well.

Note: that as long as the shared email address is not an email alias and not part of hybrid exchange it will allow you to integrate it as the EAC does not support email aliasing and hybrid exchange for the syncing at the moment

3. Authentication Level:
    You can connect the outlook or google by user authentication or by organisation authentication.

4. Einstein Setting Level:
    Einstein settings are organisation not user level. For example if you have enabled the email sync then it's for all the user in that organisation.

Hope this helpful. Please leave a comment.

Creating Single Sign-On(SSO) for Communities

  If you want to setup the SSO for Salesforce community portal, please follow the below steps. 

1. Create a community. Just create it don't add more configuration or customisation 

2. Most of the client would like to have a custom domain for community so please follow this link to setup the domain and link it to community site.

3. As per the below document Azure team has to setup the SSO configuration on Azure.

    To do the steps as a Salesforce developer you have provide the few set of information. Those I have attached in the below screen-shot.

Input For Azure Step 1:

Name: You can give your own name

On this step Reply URL should be your site domain URL. 

Input For Azure Step 2:

On the Identifier, Reply URL and Sign-on URL need to be give as site domain URL by appending /login.

Note: On the both screenshot column A values are from Azure page.

4. As a Salesforce developer now you will receive the metadata file from the Azure team. This is the file downloaded from Azure portal after the configuration.

5. Login to Salesforce and go to Setup --> Single Sign-On Settings. On this page if the 'SAML Enable' is not enabled please click Edit and Enable it.
6. To configure SAML Single Sign-On Settings, click 'New from Metadata File' and choose the file and finally Save it.

7. No you are on the edit page of the SSO setting. On this page please update the information as per below.
        On the SAML Single Sign-On Settings page, fields populate automatically, if you want to use SAML JIT, select the User Provisioning Enabled and select SAML Identity Type as Assertion contains the Federation ID from the User object otherwise, unselect the User Provisioning Enabled and select SAML Identity Type as Assertion contains the User's Salesforce username. Click Save.

Note: While saving this if you get an error on Issuer as below please change it to any name. This is causing because on this org you have the SSO for internal org.

Great, you are now completed the configuration for SSO. New We need to add this login to Community login page. 

Once this is added external user can login with SSO. I hope this article is helpful. Please let me know your thoughts in comments. 

Date Format From Zapier to Salesforce

    Hope everyone knows that Zapier is a product that allows end users to integrate the web applications they use and automate workflows. Here we are going to look about what is the default format that needs to be passed from the Zapier to Salesforce

    Once you receive the date from any application to Zapier then we have to use the component 'Date / Time Formatter' any convert the date value to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm which is acceptable format by Salesforce.

    Please refer the below screenshot.

Please leave your thoughts in comments.

FormAssembly + Salesforce Community + Domain Certificate

    In my recent Experience Cloud implementation project I want to have the FormAssembly Form on the Community Pages. For the Salesforce community if you have the custom domain you should have uploaded the CA Singed Certificate. To know more about adding the custom domain please go through my previous blog by clicking here

    Generally when we add the domain we just add the default standard certificate provided by the authority. If you have this standard certificate then when you try to open the FormAssembly Form page on Community you will be redirected back to the login page. This is because of the SSL certificate issue.

    To know the SSL issue please run the SSL Server Test for the domain you registered on the Salesforce  Once you ran the test you will see the chain issue as shown in the below screenshot.

Below is resolution from FormAssembly Support:
"SSL Labs shows that the server’s certificate chain is incomplete. This prevents our server from connecting and validating the user session (hence redirect to login page). In our other cases, it was necessary to reinstall the SSL Certificate."    

    To resolve this issue go the existing certificate linked against the domain on Salesforce and then click on Download Certificate Signing Request. Please pass this file to the certificate authority and ask them to create the new single PEM Encoded certificate by re uploading this CSR(Certificate Signing Request) file. Most of them misunderstand that this is should be .pem certificate but its not instead it has to be a .crt file. This certificate contain the information as mentioned in the below screenshot.
    Upload this new certificate on the existing Salesforce certificate by clicking 'Update Signed Certificate'. Once you uploaded, as per the Salesforce documentation allow minimum 1 hour for this new certificate to propagate on Salesforce infrastructure.
    Now if you re run the SSL server test for salesforce domain then you won't see the chain issue as None and the FormAssembly Form will be accessible on the community portal without redirecting back to the login page. 

    If you still have issue opening the FormAssembly Form on the community, please contact the FormAssembly.

I hope this information is helpful to you. Please leave your comment.   


Adding the Custom Domain in Salesforce

     Recently I came across a scenario where I want to register the domain. This new domain will be used for community. Below is the steps which I followed to register the domain. 

1. Create the CA-Signed Certificate from Salesforce: 

     To create this CA-Signed Certificate Go to Setup -->Certificate and Key Management and Click on Create CA-Signed Certificate.

     Get all the information from the client. Note the Common Name should be your name of the domain without https:// and click Save
     Now you need to click on 'Download Certificate Signing Request' and send the downloaded file to signing authority. 
    Along with the certificate please pass CNAME value. CNAME = <Your Domain>.<Org ID>

2. Upload the Signed Certificate:

     The signing authority will send you the signed certificate. Now you need upload that. To do that go to Setup --> Certificate and Key Management. Click on the certificate which you created on the previous step. Click 'Upload Signed Certificate' button and select the files. Salesforce support only CRT, CER and JKS formats files.
     Once the signed certificate is uploaded the Salesforce certificate will become active.

3. Adding Domain:
    To add the Domain Go to Setup --> Domains. and Click Add Domain. You will the the below screen.

    1. Enter the domain name without https:// and at the last don't add / symbol.
    2. Choose the certificate which you uploaded on the previous step.
    3. Uncheck 'Allow HSTS preloading registration'
    4. Click Save

Now domain is added now we have to wait for 24 hours to activate this domain. Before activating this domain you need to create the Custom URL relating this domain and the site its going to belong on Salesforce. For example and community. 

Once the custom label is created you have the ability to activate the domain. Please click 'Activate' just beside the domain. 

Hope this article will help you to add the domain successfully in Salesforce. Please let me know your feedback on the comments.